I help compassionate, highly-driven professionals build impactful and sustainable careers and teams.

Why coach with me?

Internationally qualified and certified
  • Certified by the International Coaching Federation, ACC
  • Trained at the University of Cambridge
  • Designing Your Life Certified Coach
  • Member of the Institute of Coaching at Harvard Mclean
Product management & leadership experience
  • Product Director at a mental health start-up
  • Stanford Design School Leadership & Innovation Fellow
  • Track record of building high-functioning teams and consulting HealthTech start-ups on building healthy product, engineering and design systems and teams
  • Bootstrapping a career support platform for health tech talent
I'm a compassionate, highly-driven individual myself
  • I know what it's like to have a constant urge to grow and be challenged, and needing to push for change
  • I know what it's like when too much drive leads to burnout and needing to learn how to slow down to speed up 
  • I know what it's like to be values-driven and needing to build up the courage to live by my values

Coaching style


I always start with 'why'. I will ask unbiased questions to help you see things in a different way.


I will guide you to empower yourself and others. To challenge the status quo. To finally be in the driving seat.


I care, and I care deeply. I am a highly sensitive person with an analytical mind. 


I lead with empathy and listen actively to create a safe and supportive space for you.


I will be candid and direct with to make sure that you are getting the most out of coaching.


I will help you stay accountable for your own change and build momentum towards your goals.

My journey as a coach
How one question changed my life.
Growing up, I loved mathematics and I wanted to become a mathematician, but I was told “If you study math, you can only become a math teacher.”

I also had a deep desire to help people and wanted to tackle inequities in resources access - whether it was to quality water, energy, education or healthcare. The abundance of resources in some areas, and the shortage in other areas baffled me.

Following in my family’s footsteps, I pursued Civil and Environmental Engineering,  hoping it would enable me to do this work. 

Turns out you need a very different degree for that. Perhaps a policy and international development degree? 

One day, unfulfilled, I told my roommate passively, “I am so bored”. 

She asked me, "How are you so bored if you are so busy?" 

This was a pivotal question in my life. 

At that moment, I realised that I’d been driven by the shoulds and musts vs. truly following my curiosity. I felt that I was given so much opportunity, yet I was limiting my potential by not having the courage to listen to myself. 

This realisation led me to take ownership of my decisions.

I knew I wanted to help people by improving their health. I knew I was fascinated by the power of technology to impact people on a larger scale.

So after a long period of exploration, doing more than ten internships and part-time jobs in university, I intentionally pivoted into HealthTech - where I can play a small part in building a better world through improving health outcomes.

I discovered that I’m driven by bold, mission-driven work, inspired by optimistic entrepreneurs, innovators and teams who believe in improving people's lives through the combination science, technology and user-centred design. 

Now, I am in the driving seat of my career. The journey of self-discovery is ongoing. Tuning into my emotions to iterate on how I turn the steering wheel, where I am headed and with whom.
I want to empower
the tech professionals
building the future of healthcare.
Working in mental health & health tech,  I realised that people were burning out while working for a good cause. I also realised that people were so busy striving and serving, that they didn't have time to think and reflect and take ownership of their health, their careers and their growth.

As a compassionate, highly driven product leader and coach, I recognise that our careers and job lives greatly impact our health, happiness and effectiveness. Yet, it is often hard to stop and seek help. We often pay the price whether it is through our health, our relationships, our teams, our product or our business as a whole. 

I am here to help you stop and reflect, to help you take ownership of your career and your growth. I’m here to help you create strategies that work for you to manage the changing demands of the work environment while taking care of yourself and the team around you.  

As a coachee myself, coaching brought me so many things. The ability to land a job at a company I care about while utilising my strengths. Knowing how to tune into my intuition. Navigating company politics and standing up to bullies.

This is what I now enjoy bringing to others. 

I believe that a sustainable and meaningful career is a key ingredient to a healthy life.

So while compassionate, highly driven individuals make their mark in the world, I want to make sure they are also taken care of.

Building a world where we can do good, while being well and be well by doing good.
I'm here to help you unlock your potential.
Layoffs, boreout or burnout are all issues of the modern-day workplace, especially in the age of AI and remote working. This continues to take a huge toll on our collective mental, physical and social health. 

We are more and more aware of the need for a fulfilling mission, respectful colleagues and good management. And we know that is not so easy to find. 

We spend 60-80% of our waking time working. Building and designing healthy careers and workplaces matter.

We sometimes forget that we are mortal beings. The time that we have on this Earth is more valuable than anything.

We also forget that we do have a choice. Yes, it will take time. Yes, it will be hard. Most paths are hard, so choose a path that you enjoy and that serves your why. 

You can enjoy getting out of bed, believe in what you do, design a life that works for you, capitalise on your strengths, and thrive in this world.

There will be ups and downs. You will change, the world around you will change, and your job will change. We need to learn to be flexible and adaptable to change. To tune in to the signals and respond accordingly. 

I'm here to help you take ownership and be in the driving seat of your career - whether that is finding, staying or growing in your job.

With coaching, you can start building momentum and take intentional action towards fulfilling your potential and designing a fulfilling and more sustainable life that works for you.

Start your journey to a meaningful career.

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